October 14, 2009

A Mother's Pride

It's finally done! For many, many weeks, my daughters have been practicing for their first band gig. This past Monday night, their band, Speed Limit 180, performed at Junior's in downtown Round Rock. It was a scheduled day off from school, and between getting ready for the gig and school conferences, we were extremely busy! I knew they would do well, but still, I had the mommy jitters all day (does that ever go away? Probably not, right?).

Kate was on keyboards and vocals. Yes, I know I'm biased, but my girl rocked! She is a strong piano player and it all seems to come so naturally to her. It is incredible to me how far she's come in piano since she started just four years ago. Not just in her skills -- I knew that would come with time and practice. But really more in her confidence in her musical abilities. She started out kind of shy and unsure, but as she's developed she's learned to really embrace it and push herself to new musical challenges. You can see it now -- her strong piano skills and ability to pick up music quickly, her adding embellishment to a song where she thinks it needs it, and most of all, her confidence to sing in public. I so admire her voice, and I love the fact that she's no longer shy about sharing her talents with others. She says that this is her thing, it's what she does. Yes, my dear one -- and you do it well!

Annemarie was on electric guitar and vocals. She also been playing the piano for four years, and has been on the flute for a little over a year. With four musical interests (actually, there are more she'd like to learn, but I had to cut her off somewhere -- there is this little thing called school, you know), she is also a strong musician in her own right. Seeing her play guitar now and how far she's developed in such a short time, it's hard to believe that she had wanted to give it up at one point. She was encouraged by her teacher to give it another try, and I'm so glad she did! Monday night, she was having such fun, playing her guitar and performing in front of a standing room only audience. I even saw her winking at one of her friends while she was up there on stage. She's always been a bit of a performer, even as a baby, when she could charm strangers at a restaurant from her high chair with her eyes and her smile. Watching her now, I know that this is what my little love bug girl was meant to do -- and that makes me smile.

So, forgive me for bragging on my girls (but hey, that's what I do). I'm sure I'll post again some time soon about their musical endeavors. But in the meantime, check out their pictures here. And until then ... rock on! -- S

Kate's fast fingers on the keyboards ... she was so good, especially on 'Let It Be" and "Kansas City."

Annie had just winked to a friend of hers in the audience ... so cute!

October 11, 2009

All The Small Things

As many of you know, my daughters are in a band. One of the songs in their playlist in "All The Small Things" from Blink 182. Sometime within the last several days, they were practicing this song for their upcoming performance, and it made me think of a little ritual we seem to have in the mornings. I drink coffee to get me going ... one from home in the morning, and a Starbucks mocha later in the day to, well, keep me going (yeah, bad habit, I know!). We have a Keurig coffeemaker with those cute little pods. I like the Kona and French Roast blends, and every morning I have a cup, along with my biscotti while I catch up on email and the news with my iPhone as I get ready for the day.

Most mornings, I find the little pods right there by the coffeemaker, waiting for me. Sweet, huh? I suspect a certain little boy does this for me (smile). Usually, the cup is there too (that's done by my girl Annie). And the biscotti? Compliments of my other girl, Kate. And you know what? I just love it. It's "all the small things" that mean so much, isn't it?

And speaking of music, my girls' first "gig" is tomorrow night. Watch for pics of that soon! In the meantime, Happy Monday everyone! -- S

Requirements for my morning ritual ...

Annemarie and I -- 10.10.2009

Christopher -- exact date escapes me, but this was sometime last week. So cute ....

Kate and I both love the chocolate dipped biscottis! That's my girl!