August 28, 2011

Texas Heat and Warrior Football

Yes, it was hot outside.  As in UNBELIEVABLY hot!  But still -- there was football! Christopher’s team, the Warriors, played a game yesterday afternoon in the blazing sun.  Chris is a defensive tackle this season, and is having a great time with it. That’s a good thing, because there are three practices a week and then the games on weekends.  It’s all part of that “in Texas we take our football seriously” thing we got going on.

Here are a few pics of Chris and some of his teammates from yesterday’s game.  

Have a great weekend!  -- S

Chris, not enjoying the mom paparazzi!  

August 04, 2011

A Video Message To You

Today's blog post is a little different. I'm used to taking videos of my kids and numerous photos of other people, but let's just say I'm not so good at having the tables turned on me. But today, with the help of my son and my iPhone, I recorded a little message to share with you.

The video pretty much says it all, but it's just a brief message and a quick little slideshow about this year's upcoming Komen Race for the Cure in Austin. Check it out here!

Have a great Thursday! -- S