July 09, 2009

Some Things Are Just Meant To Be

It seems that the writing has been on the wall all along. I've been in love with pictures almost all my life. Growing up, my mom always had a lot of photos around, and I loved looking through them and hearing the stories behind them. Since the time I was first able to handle a camera, I've loved the sense of capturing moments in time, remembering days that were important to me and creating memories that are close to my heart.

On my eighteenth birthday, my brother David gave me what I consider one of the best gifts I've ever received ... my Nikon EM 35mm film camera (which I still have, by the way!). One of my fondest memories of my senior year in high school was learning to use that camera while taking pictures of my friends. Since that time, I attended college, graduated, married, and worked in a different career path, and later became a stay at home mom to my three children. But all the while, photography has been a constant in my life. With several camera upgrades along the way, I've continued to take those pictures, document those memories, capture those moments in my family and friends' lives. Besides the artistic high I get when I get a great shot, it's all so rewarding to me to see the joy in the faces of those whose loved ones I've captured somehow. When I able to photograph someone showing an aspect of personality not normally seen, or tell a story that can't always be described in words, or just catch a once in a lifetime moment, THAT makes it so worthwhile for me.

Fast forward to today -- I'm proud to launch my new photography business, Brogdon Images. I'll be updating my pictures on this site, so stay tuned! Just a few acknowledgements and words of thanks ... first to my family and friends over the years for putting up with me photographing them to no end; secondly, to Ray and Debra Malkiewicz at Ever After Images in the Austin area for giving me the opportunity to work with them as a photographer's assistant and unselfishly sharing the wealth of knowledge they have in the industry; and last, but certainly not least, to my husband Jon and our three children for supporting and encouraging me to start this endeavor of mine. I'm very blessed and lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people! Here are a few pictures of me over the years, with cameras in hand. So yeah, it may have taken me a long time to come full circle, but I guess some things are just meant to be.