November 26, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving, another favorite holiday of mine. I love just about everything about Thanksgiving -- the dinner, the wine, the relaxed feel of the day, the football on tv, and oh yes ... the pecan pie! Yum! But it's also a day to reflect on what I'm thankful for, the many blessings in my life, the things that make me happy. These are some of things in my life for which I'm grateful:

Family: I am blessed with a wonderful family -- my husband and our three beautiful children. Jon, Annie, Kate and Chris truly complete my life, and without them, I don't think I could exist. We share so many memories together, along with the rest of our extended family members, for whom I'm also so very grateful to have in my life.

Friends: Over the years I have really come to realize how much my friends have enriched my life, and even though I try to be expressive about my feelings for them, I doubt many know how much and how often I think about them. Particularly in the last few years, through life circumstances and even through Facebook, I am very grateful for the opportunity to reconnect and keep up with many of my friends!

Music: Always a driving force in my life, having music around, in one way or another, is something on which I depend. It's there to keep me going throughout the day, to pick up my spirits if I'm feeling blue, and to enjoy really at any time. And I'm so grateful to now have three little musicians in my family ... makes me so proud!

Photography: Everyone who knows me knows how much I love taking pictures, and how much they've always meant to me. How cool is it that now I get to do this for both fun and a job? It's SO awesome, and I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to pursue my creative endeavors professionally.

Little Things: So thankful for all those little things that make me happy and put a smile on my face: Starbucks frappucinos, wine, reading time, butterflies, a friendly face at the local grocery store ... all the little things that add up and can make my day!

I used to not really think about all these things on Thanksgiving, or sometimes not much at all, for that matter. Just trying to keep up with the daily grind would have me so busy that I might take some of these things for granted or at least just not stop long enough to consider it all. But years have taught me to reflect and enjoy the good in my life, and today, this holds particularly true. And for that, I am grateful.

Have a wonderful holiday!

-- Thanksgiving is not a time of the year... but an attitude of the heart. May your Thanksgiving be abundant with the gifts of love and friendship. --