January 14, 2010

A Moment of Free Time

This week has gone by quickly, but for us, there's something new. With our new after school schedule, we actually get to enjoy not just one, but TWO days of not having to be anywhere immediately after school ends. How cool is that?! What to do with our newfound freedom? We went out by a Round Rock park -- the kids ran around a little, and I snapped a few because, well, I missed my camera and I felt like it ... I'm just sayin'. :)

I love afternoons like this. No place in particular to go. Just a little relaxation time with the kids and just letting them be, and capturing them in their element.

Jon was traveling this week and texted me while he was out in San Diego, at Croce's Restaurant. (Yeah, I was jealous .... I wanna go too!!) But it made me think of Jim Croce's music, and that song 'Time in a Bottle.' I wish I could save afternoons like this away and go back to them again and again. But I guess that's what the pictures are for, right?

Here are my kids this week, enjoying their chillin' time. Have a great weekend.

-- S

"If I could spend time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do is to save every day 'til eternity passes away just to spend them with you. " -- Time in a Bottle, Jim Croce