June 04, 2010

A Graduation Rite of Passage

It's been a week now since school's been out, and our lives have officially moved into SUMMER mode! It's been a time of non-stop activity -- music recital, a day at the lake, kids in and out of the house, music lessons and rehearsals -- the craziness continues. But I didn't want too much time to go by without noting a memorable occasion last week: Annemarie and Kate's graduation from elementary school. Yep, my girls are moving on to middle school! Sixth grade, here they come!

Graduation an important rite of passage. It marks the end of an important era in life, and the beginning of a new chapter. Did I cry, you ask?? Well, yes, I did (sniff, sniff). Can't be helped ... I'm a mom. Part of it was because my baby girls are growing up, but it was also because I was so proud of them academically. Both Annie and Kate were commended on their TAKS tests, and both received Gold Presidential Academic Awards. You go, girls!

The kids and I are heading out to yet another graduation ceremony this weekend, for my nephew, who's graduating from high school. This time, I WILL remember that Kleenex is my friend!

Have a great weekend! -- S

Annie receiving her graduation certificate.

... and here's Kate getting her certificates too.

Annie with her teacher ....

... Kate with hers.

Had to get a mommy/daughter shot taken. Photo courtesy of Victor Lopez.

Another mom/daughter photo opp, taken by Patrice Scott.