October 19, 2010

Images for a Cure: H Family Pics

We met at the school yard a few years ago, Cheryl and I. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and got to talking about our kids. "You have a fourth grader? Yeah, I have two in fourth grade too", I said. "Oh, and a first grader? So do I. Only my first grader looks more like some of these fourth grade kids. He's really big." Cheryl: "So is mine." Then they happened to walk up together, our not so little first grade boys ... and wow, neither of us were kidding! Her son and Chris are about the same age, grade and yeah, they're pretty good sized dudes for their age. Both of them play baseball and now football too, even on the same team (GO TIGERS)! The family participated in the Images for a Cure portrait sessions that I held recently. This is the first season both of their sons are playing football at the same time, so we thought we'd take some fun shots along those lines.

Cheryl and Jesse -- thanks so much to both of you for letting me photograph you and the boys for the holidays! I'm so glad we were able to get these fun shots of the guys during this football season. And much thanks also, for your contribution to the Images for a Cure campaign.

All the best! -- S