November 12, 2010

Guest Blog From The Dog: Sasha Says -- #4

Hey -- remember me? It's time for another blog post from Sasha Says!! How am I doing? Absolutely great! I'm almost five months old now, and I weigh ... well, we don't know exactly, but my mom says when she picks me up it feels about the same as her 8 pound weights, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I love hanging out, being outside, getting into stuff, and playing with EVERYONE! Take a look at these pics and you'll see what I mean!

Recently, I get to hang out at The Domain with Mom and her friend Christine. They took me to Starbucks (can't believe they kicked me out just because I had a little bark going on. Sheesh!), and California Pizza Kitchen. So many people said hello and petted me, and there were a lot of dogs that I got to hang with. Can't wait to go back there!

Halloween was fun too. I got not one, not two, but THREE costumes this year! Yeah, Mom likes Halloween a lot! My favorite? Well, we have preteens in the house, so what else? A VAMPIRE! And I've got the fangs for it too!

Gots to go, peeps! Have an awesome weekend!

Paws and peace out! -- Sasha

Hanging at The Domain. Check out Christine's awesome boots! Mommy likes them too! :)

Hey, there's a dog smaller than me?? Suddenly I want to say "yo quiero Taco Bell!"

So, this is me in front of California Pizza Kitchen, one of the restaurants in The Domain that is pup friendly. Yay me!

Me with my "Little Miss Scary" outfit on.

So tired after The Domain ...

There's mom with that Canon thing again .... aaagghhh!

It's Halloween, and I'm a VAMPIRE!! I'm out for blood!

... or a belly rub will do nicely too! :)