February 14, 2011

Rockin' Out On My Birthday

It was a gorgeous Saturday night in Round Rock.  Beautiful weather, and a perfect night for live music.  And ... it was my birthday!  What a fun way to celebrate the day.  Saturday night, my daughters performed on stage with their three bands -- On Target, Chaotic 8, and Speed Limit 180.  Yes, I said three ... my life is just a little crazy.

We had a great crowd and lots of smiling faces enjoying the music.  On Target opened for Chaotic 8, who opened for Speed Limit 180.  Annie switches instruments with every band, from bass guitar, to keyboard, to rhythm guitar.  In the past, Kate has switched from drums to keyboard in the latter two bands, but this time she played the drums exclusively and also had the chance to come out and sing some lead vocals.

It's so incredible to hear these kids play music at the level that they do.  Particularly in the case of Speed Limit 180, it is sometimes difficult to remember that these kids are only range in age between 11 and 16.  Check out the video links below to see for yourself!

Here are my favorite images from our musical night.  And much thanks, to all these wonderfully talented musicians for making my birthday a special one.   -- S

Speed Limit 180 -- Crazy Train:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnftNn4Pkk4
Speed Limit 180 -- Hit Me With Your Best Shot (debut performance):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8PRl1CdXfw

Annie on bass guitar with On Target.

Rachel on keyboard with On Target.

Merritt, Ian, Peter and Aidan on guitar.

Aidan on guitar, his brother Nick on drums.

Nick came out from behind the drums to sing "Solo." Kate filled in on drums for this song.

Annie on keyboard with Chaotic 8.

Stephanie on guitar with Chaotic 8.

Nick on lead guitar with Chaotic 8.

Kate on drums and vocals with Chaotic 8.

Chris on bass guitar with Chaotic 8.

Taylor on lead guitar with Speed Limit 180.

Kate loves playing keyboard, but is really liking being behind the drums too.

Mason on vocals with Speed Limit 180.

My musical girls.

Loved the lighting on Marley's face in this one.  On bass guitar with Speed Limit 180.

I really like the night performances during this season. The lighting!  

Speed Limit 180
We are some proud rocker moms!  Felice (Mason's mom), me, and Tammy (Taylor and Marley's mom).