March 30, 2011

Dance Like No One Is Watching

When I was little, I used to dance. Ballet, tap, jazz, and for a time, I also learned how to twirl a baton and did some gymnastics. Tap was totally my favorite. I started when I was four, and participated in several recitals. I was pretty good, possibly a bit better than most girls my age. My lessons started out with girls in my class grade, but I quickly moved in with the older girls because of my skills. At five or six, I used to ask my mom if we could go early, so I could watch and learn all the dances of just about EVERY class, even those of the teenagers. I loved watching them all! But after about six years, I decided to stop. That kind of dancing just wasn't as much fun for me anymore. But dancing for pure enjoyment, being moved by music, is still something I enjoy.

Last week, I attended a class on flash photography around downtown. Afterwards, some photog friends of mine and I decided to do an impromptu photo shoot. We were walking around, and came across a group of people by a water fountain, who were ... dancing! Like in the classic ballroom kind of way. They looked like they were having a good time, so free and uninhibited. It was pretty cool, and different, to see that in that location at that time of day. It reminded me of the quote: "Work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one is watching." Only I was ... with my camera, no less. haha. They didn't seem to mind.

Have a great Wednesday! -- S

"You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star." ~Friedrich Nietzsche