March 18, 2011

Therese, John, Nick, Danny, Mary-Cate & Tony

We've known each other a long time.  Therese and my husband Jon have been friends since high school, and she was a part of our wedding.  This past weekend, Therese, her husband John, and their four kids -- Nick, Danny, Mary-Cate and Tony -- met me at a Houston park for some family pics.  Each of the kids have their own separate interests.  Besides the family pics, Therese and John also wanted to have each of them photographed with their respective activities.  Nick is also graduating this year, and I took his senior pics as well (more about that soon in another post).  It was so good to see them again and catch up!

Here's a sneak peek at our session.  TGIF & have a wonderful weekend!  -- S

(Left) John & Therese  (Right) Nick, Danny, Mary-Cate & Tony

(Left) Nick is a musician, and plays the cello and violin.  (Right) Danny plays football at school.

(Left) Tony is into mythology, while (right) Mary-Cate is a dancer.