March 14, 2011

Weeds in the Spring Time

It's spring break, and I had a busy weekend shooting LOTS of pics!  This past Friday,  I headed out to Armand Bayou Center with my photography pal/assistant Marisa, who helped me photograph two gorgeous sisters (more about that in another post soon).  I'd not been there before, and generally speaking I like to scope out a photo shoot site ahead of time to check out lighting and get ideas on posing and good spots.  We found this cool lake, a house, some beautiful scenery.  But one of the best things we found?  Weeds.  Yeah, I said weeds.  The dead kind.  They were awesome!  Later this week, you'll see what I mean when I post a sneak peek of Rachel and Stephanie's photo session.  We were all pretty excited about those shots!

I usually throw out all those 'test' shots taken before a session, but these I liked these and decided they were keepers.  Here are a few pics of me and Marisa checking out the photo site.

Happy Monday!  -- S

Weeds ... not just a television show anymore.  :)