April 01, 2011

Let There Be Light

A few weeks ago, I took a train ride to downtown Austin.  Last Friday, I got on a bus.  Okay, well two, but not quite in the same way.  I took a bus ride downtown to The Flash Bus class with David "The Strobist" Hobby and Joe McNally, two acclaimed photographers, authors and bloggers.  It was a great class, and they made it a lot of fun.  But there's nothing like learning something hands on, right?  Afterwards, I met up with some of my photography friends for a photo session to go over some of the techniques that we learned in class.  One of my friends brought along his very sweet daughter, who modeled for us.  We also had an opportunity to meet with Eight, a freelance model and actress, who also graciously posed for us.

I'm still working on learning some of the lighting techniques we covered in that class, but I like these pictures from our photo session.  Much thanks to Evelyn and Eight for posing for us, and to Alex, Mike and Steve for including me in the photo session.

Have a great weekend!  -- S

Eight and Evelyn.  No special lighting techniques used in these pics, but I like them just the same.  

Just trying a little of the lighting technique in the left picture to darken the sky a bit but still light up Eight's face.  Picture on right -- I like the reflection effect in the window.

Lighting conditions had not changed, but I changed my settings and used off camera lighting to make these pictures a bit more dramatic. 

The sunset, at the end of our photo session.  Nice way to end the day.