May 21, 2011

A Birthday Message to Annie & Kate

Wow … twelve years old!! It’s my beautiful baby girls’ birthday today! How are we celebrating it?  Lunch with the family - including relatives in from out of town - and a little live music later tonight with their band Speed Limit 180 at a gig tonight.  Should be a fun day!

Since my ‘arteest’ mind works in pictures, today I’m reminded of a few photos from the past that show how much my girls have grown and changed.  Actually, there are several photos that come to mind, but here are some of my favorites. :)

Annie & Kate -- Happy Birthday, my sweeties!  I hope you have an incredible day, filled with all those things you love … family, text messages from your friends, a great lunch at your fave restaurant, chocolate, and lots of fun and great live music with SL180!  You are such wonderful girls!  I love you with all my heart!  Love, Mom