June 08, 2011

Sliding Home | The End of a Baseball Season

It's been a busy baseball season!  This spring, Topher played for the Cubs, and was a catcher and an outfielder. Jon was also an assistant coach this season.  For as many games as I could, I took pictures of the team.  Lots and lots of pictures.  Normally, I download them as I go.  True to fashion, I did the same thing this season, but because of my busy schedule, I didn't get to edit them until almost season end.  Big mistake!  I had saved a lot of those images on an external drive.  Last week, that drive went …. KAPUT!  As in dead as a doornail.  Most of the images I had on there were backed up elsewhere, but unfortunately many of the baseball photos were not.  Yep, I’ve learned my lesson.  Consistent outside backup storage is in my near future!!

Fortunately, I had enough pictures placed elsewhere to manage putting together a slideshow for the season.  I’m so glad, because I know how important these pictures will be to my son in the years to come, and hopefully, to many of the players and their families.  It was a great season, and the boys shared a wonderful experience together.  I hope that this slideshow and these images will be something they’ll treasure for a long time to come.  Go Cubs!   

Click here to see slideshow >>>>> Cubs Spring 2011 Slideshow

Have a great Thursday!  -- S