July 29, 2011

Dancing with Wolves

We just got back home.  After a three week trip to Houston to visit family and see friends, we are back in our 'hood.  And we weren't the only ones who got a chance to visit.  Sasha loves, loves, loves going to see the family too.  Not only to see the folks (yes, more people to give her those belly rubs she loves), but also to see The Wolf Pack!  Four small dogs who all think they're bigger than they actually are, bark at anyone who comes to the door, and just like playing with each other.  Trust me ... it's canine craziness!

Check out our four, four-legged family members!  And have a great weekend!  -- S

Daphne, my in-laws' dog.  She's a Bichon Frise, and is named after a character in one of the family's favorite tv shows.

Addie, a really teeny tiny Yorkie.  She belongs to Katherine, Jon's grandmother's caretaker.  Despite her size, Addie thinks she's the biggest dog in the house.  haha

My Maltipoo niece puppy, Pinnie belongs to my sister-in-law / brother-in-law Kathleen and Fred.  She gets to stay with us during the day while they are at work.  As you may have seen here before, she is a sister to my own little puppy girl.  Which leads me to my next photo ...

My Sasha Rose.  Oh, how she loves hanging out with the Wolf Pack, but she does get pretty tuckered out a lot faster when we're visiting in Houston.  No work and all play makes Sasha a super tired puppy! 

July 05, 2011

Celebrating Fourth of July -- Dell Diamond Style

Saturday night at the ballpark on Fourth of July weekend. No fireworks allowed because of the drought in Austin, but it was just as well. The game went into extra innings (for an Express win!!) and a great concert from Bob Schneider.

Taking concert pictures at the Dell Diamond is not an easy thing to do. The stage is set high above the field, and there’s a gate across the stage. Which means I get shots of instruments, fence, and maybe half a head. Lighting from that angle isn’t that great either. This time I took maybe two shots from there and said enough. I walked off the field, around to backstage, and finally onto the stage. Sooo much better! Check out some of my fave pics from the game and concert!

Have a great Tuesday! -- S

I love how goofy Spike can be!