November 29, 2011

A Curly Q Cutie

There she was, all cute with her new haircut. And it was quite “poofy” too (her words, not mine). My Miss Curly Q -- fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you see things -- inherited my curly hair which shrinks up the second it sees a pair of scissors. But she wanted it shorter and at 12 years old, she’s quite capable of making her own decisions about how she wants to wear her hair, thank you very much.

Last week, I had a photo session with a client that I’ve photographed for some time now. Annie likes to go with me to as many photo shoots as she can, and particularly with this one since she has met them before. I like it too, for her company, and because she likes learning about photography. But she also performs a very important task for me -- she’s my test subject. Before a photo session, I like to get to the location early to scope out ideas for where to shoot, lighting, etc. It’s important for me to have an actual human being in front of me to test those things out. It works well for me, she likes it, and most of all, that's often when I get the best pictures of her too!

These are my test photos of Annie from our photo session last week. Poofy hair and all, I think she’s beautiful!

Have a great Wednesday! -- S

November 22, 2011

My Favorite Songs Of The Season

It’s almost here … ‘tis the season.  All the signs of the holidays are in full swing.  Christmas decorations, lights, holiday parades, Black Friday sales ads, and yay!  the seasonal drinks and red cups at Starbucks.  One of the telltale signs? Holiday music on the radio.  I have several favorite Christmas songs, all of them with special meaning to me.  Yeah, there are kind of a lot of them, so please forgive the long post. Here are my top faves:

15. Hot Chocolate (From The Polar Express)
Okay, this is not so much a Christmas song, per se, but The Polar Express IS a holiday movie, and one that is special to our family.  And I am a chocolate lover.  Makes total sense that I’d love this song, right? Yeah, you got it!

14. The Grinch Song. (From You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch) This was always one of my favorite Christmas specials to watch on tv when I was a kid.  This song was the most memorable part of the show to me.  Now, it is special to us because Kate plays the clarinet portion of the song with her school band!

13. When Christmas Comes To Town (From The Polar Express). Christopher has always loved this movie, and every year looks forward to his Polar Express train to be set around our tree.  Likewise, the girls have always loved this song.  Kate sang it often and when Annie tried out for her middle school band, she played this song on her flute.

12. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Kenny G).  I like several versions of this song, but my favorite is probably this instrumental version from Kenny G.  I like how smooth it sounds on the saxophone, and in the video you can see how the older gentleman (Burgess Meredith) is completely turned around from being sad to total joy when he sees his loved ones.  So heartwarming to see!

11. Christmas Through Your Eyes (Gloria Estefan).  This one is not that well known, but I totally love it.  As children, we see Christmas in a certain way that unfortunately, can get lost as we become adults. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and forget what is was like.  But that changes when you have kids of your own, and you see Christmas in a whole new light once again. This song makes you remember to stop and see Christmas through the eyes of your children.  Absolutely beautiful!

10.  Blue Christmas (Elvis Presley).  This song, or more specifically, this version of the song, is special for us really more for a memory it represents.  One of my favorite places to go during the holiday season is Gruene, TX, home of Gruene Hall.  One year, Jon and I went to Gruene Hall and had the opportunity to have the dance floor essentially to ourselves while this song came on.  I think of that memory every time I hear The King sing this one.

9. Christmas Time Is Here (Vince Guaraldi). In my family, we watch Peanuts cartoons all year round.  We have several of the seasonal dvds, and just swap them out accordingly with the calendar.  But one of our favorites is A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I bought it for Jon when we first started dating, and it’s been a part of our family’s traditions ever since.  This is one of our favorite songs from this Christmas classic.  And during the holidays, this is often my ringtone on my phone too!

8. Baby It’s Cold Outside (Dean Martin).  Surprising, this is not a song I heard until only about 8 - 10 years ago.  But when I did, I thought “wow, where have I been?” One holiday season, I played it in the car as the kids and I would run errands.  They started humming along, singing a few words here and there, soooo it’s another family favorite.  And yes, I’ve heard other versions of this (including the Martina McBride / Dean Martin mix), but this one is our pick.  (But I also like the Will Ferrell / Zoey Deschanel version from Elf too, because smiling is my favorite! haha).

7. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (Brenda Lee).  This one is just fun. Dancing ensues. Enough said.  :)

6. All I Want For Christmas (Olivia Olson, From Love Actually).  My sister-in-law Kathleen, my mom-in-law and I have a long standing tradition during the holidays to wrap presents and watch the movie Love Actually together.  This song, originally done by Mariah Carey, is one of the best parts of the movie.  I love how everyone’s spirits are obviously lifted by seeing this girl perform the song.  And the girls and I laugh at the expressions of the boy on the drums toward the end of the song.  Several years ago when my girls just started out in music, they performed this song as one of their first duets.  Of course, that made it even that much more special to us.

5.Silent Night / Noche de Paz (Gloria Estefan). There are undoubtedly several beautiful versions of this song, but I like listening to this one.  Sometimes at home, with the house decorated for the holidays, I will just sit in our family room with only the tree lights on, and listen to this song.  No pun intended, but really, it is so peaceful and mild.  I also love that she sings the last verse of the song in Spanish too.

4. Merry Christmas Darling (The Carpenters).  I remember hearing this song -- really hearing this song -- for the first time when I was a young girl.  Karen Carpenter had such a distinctive voice, and I remember thinking that had to be her when I heard the first few notes of the song.  Every Christmas since then, it’s one that I’ve always enjoyed.  Annie has learned parts of the song on piano before, but at the time was not yet ready in her skills.  That was some time back, so she’s ready to try this one again this year.  :)

3. Linus & Lucy (Vince Guaraldi).  More Peanuts please!! This song gets played in almost every Peanuts cartoon, but most people associate it with the holidays.  Love this one!  But unfortunately, after six years of the girls’ playing piano, we’re STILL waiting for at least one of them to learn how to play this one!  By the way, this is my other holiday ringtone!

2. The Christmas Song (Johnny Mathis).  One of my absolute favorite Christmas songs of all time!  My mom had the Johnny Mathis Christmas album when I was little.  I have so, so many memories of being in my childhood home, helping her decorate our tree, and listening to this song.  Even the album cover brings back memories!

1. O Holy Night (Martina McBride).  This song, to me, really represents the true essence, the true meaning, of the holiday in celebrating the birth of Jesus.  I’ve always liked the song, but when I heard it sung in this way from Martina McBride, I was totally wowed!  No frills, no added effects, not even with instruments -- just the song itself, sung in acapella.  Amazing!  Kate has visions of being able to sing this song like this one day.  With time and maturity, I think she can do it!

So if you see me with my headphones on sometime during the month of December, you’ll know what I’m listening to -- my favorite songs of the season. They will most certainly, help to make my season bright!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!  -- S

The new Michael Buble' Christmas album.  And Starbucks coffee.  Can't get much better than that!  

November 20, 2011

A Photo Session | The Bright Family

I finished last weekend’s photo sessions with the Bright family -- LaKissa, James, Bianna and Jayden. You may remember them from last year about this time. I love it when my clients come back for more photos!

Bianna plays volleyball, Jayden is a football player, and Mom and Dad are both coaches. Besides taking family pics in regular clothes, we thought it might be a good idea to also show a little of the family’s sporty side since that’s what they’re into.

These are a few of my favorites from our session last weekend!  

Have a great Monday! -- S

November 16, 2011

The Martinez Family | Photo Session

I’ve been away from the blog for a while.  More on that in another post sometime soon, perhaps.  But really, I’ve kinda missed it, so here I am again.

Last weekend I had a few mini photo sessions … getting ready for the holidays!  My neighbors - Jose, Veronica, Sebastian and Esteban - and I headed out to historic Georgetown for our photo shoot.  Love these images of them!  These are some of my favorites.

Have a great Wednesday!  -- S

See more images here on this slideshow!