November 29, 2011

A Curly Q Cutie

There she was, all cute with her new haircut. And it was quite “poofy” too (her words, not mine). My Miss Curly Q -- fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you see things -- inherited my curly hair which shrinks up the second it sees a pair of scissors. But she wanted it shorter and at 12 years old, she’s quite capable of making her own decisions about how she wants to wear her hair, thank you very much.

Last week, I had a photo session with a client that I’ve photographed for some time now. Annie likes to go with me to as many photo shoots as she can, and particularly with this one since she has met them before. I like it too, for her company, and because she likes learning about photography. But she also performs a very important task for me -- she’s my test subject. Before a photo session, I like to get to the location early to scope out ideas for where to shoot, lighting, etc. It’s important for me to have an actual human being in front of me to test those things out. It works well for me, she likes it, and most of all, that's often when I get the best pictures of her too!

These are my test photos of Annie from our photo session last week. Poofy hair and all, I think she’s beautiful!

Have a great Wednesday! -- S