December 20, 2011

A First Birthday Smash

A first birthday party … a big milestone for a little one. Well, and speaking from a parent’s perspective, a big milestone for us too. It certainly makes you reflect on how quickly the time has gone with your baby (even though those sleepless nights seem to have gone forever, right?). 

This past Sunday, my brother, sister-in-law, and many of their friends and family celebrated my nephew’s first birthday. You may remember Meredith’s maternity pics, and Connor’s newborn photos here in earlier blogs. Yep, little man is already one year old! We were running late coming into town, but I’m so glad we made it in time to celebrate with him. 

And what’s a party without cake? And a camera? Connor + cake + camera = some really cute pictures (and a big mess!). See what I mean here in the pics below! 

Happy Birthday Connor! 

With lots of love,
Aunt Sylvia 

“A one year old child is so many things - A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings, A hugger of teddies, A sweet sleepyhead, And someone to dream for in bright years ahead... “

And here's the birthday boy!
Connor's first cake smash! And yeah, it literally was a smash too.  I love the pics at the middle bottom ... "yeah, I can really do this? You're not going to tell me no? Woo hoo!" 
Chris playing with Connor, with the Pooh bear that the girls gave him when he was born.
Sweet boy!