September 10, 2009

The Soul Inside

I didn't know her, but I felt like I did. Well, at least I know girls like her, anyway ... I've got two of my own -- same age, same grade level. Randi seemed kind of quiet at first, knowing we were there to take pictures but probably not really sure what all we were going to do. Couple that with the fact that she had to meet us on a Sunday morning, hobbling around on crutches from a soccer injury, my guess is that she might have preferred to have stayed home and listened to an ipod. But it didn't take long for that personality to emerge ... you know, you've seen it ... ten year old girl, full of sass and spunk, and at that awkward age of still being mom's little girl and the beginnings of preteen rebellion settling in. Wanting to hug her mom, but then realizing with other people around that might not be so cool. Watching Randi and her mom Christine interact, talking with her a little, recognizing all the little nuances -- yeah, it all seemed soooo familiar!

My own daughters' sassy, spunky spirits and how I relate to them helped me to get to know Randi, and it wasn't long before we were all laughing and having fun in our photoshoot. I was happy to get pictures of mom and daughter together, as well as some beautiful shots of each of them individually. But I was even more glad to get pictures of the two of them showing more of their personalities -- a beautiful girl coming out into her own, and a mother's pride in her daughter -- the latter of which, a feeling I know all too well. I may have started out in this photoshoot hoping just to get some good pictures, but what I got was truly THEM and who they are, and their obvious love for one another.

Thanks to Christine and Randi for the opportunity to photograph you guys! It's always so rewarding to me to get the chance to capture people in their element and have fun while doing that.

"There is more that meets the eye; I see the soul that is inside." (Sk8r Boy, Avril Lavigne)

Have a wonderful weekend! -- S