September 10, 2009

A Time To Shine

Now that my kids are older, I'm not around too many little ones anymore. Every now and then, though, I get to be around babies and suddenly I'm reminded how different things were back when mine were small. With my kids at 10, 10 and 7, we've obviously outgrown all signs of babyhood by now, so to be around a little one that's in diapers, bottles, teething and into everything can make your memory suddenly take a step back. And while I have absolutely NO inclination to desire to have another child (believe me, three is all I can handle!), it's nice being around them to see their sweetness, innocence, and most of all, their wonder at the simplest things. This weekend, I got to spend a little time with baby Jack and his mom Amber. At almost 10 months old, his personality just shines and he is one happy baby! He seemed to enjoy being outside and looking at all the bubbles that my sis-in-law Kathleen was blowing in the air!

Amber -- thank you for the opportunity to photograph you guys and for a fun morning with you and the baby. As I was downloading these pictures and thinking of what I wanted to say in this post, I heard a bit of a Simon and Garfunkel song that seemed to kind of sum it all up for me ... I think it will now always remind me of Jack and these pictures.

"Your time has come to shine; all your dreams are on their way. " :) -- S

Trying something a little new here ... here's a little slideshow preview of more pictures. Don't worry, there isn't any music to it, so it's safe to watch at work! Just click on the arrow on the bottom left. :)