December 02, 2009

Christine, Randi & The Holiday Hounds

A few months back, I wrote a post about a photoshoot I had with Christine and Randi. You might remember that one ... the spunky, sassy ten year old girl and her mom ... with lots of personality, love in their hearts, and the beautiful souls inside? Well, guess what? I got the opportunity to photograph them again for their holiday photos. Them, and a little added craziness to the mix ... their two very active (and very big) black lab retrievers. Yep, it was hectic getting those two settled down long enough for a photo or two, but victory was mine! ha! ha! Here are some favorite shots of our photo session.

Christine and Randi -- thanks so much to you guys once again for having me photograph you and the pups. I always enjoy working with the two of you and seeing the special relationship and bond you share. My girls still want to meet you, Randi ... maybe next time we'll add even more craziness and add two more sassy, spunky ten year old girls ... won't that be fun? ha! :)

All the best! -- S