January 01, 2010

New Beginnings for New Year's

Today is January 1 ... the beginning of a new year. Time for some new resolutions and for my family, some new beginnings. Our 2009 was pretty good, but we're looking forward to some new and interesting changes for us ..... such as .....

  • My husband Jon starts his new job in the next few weeks. He's so excited about it, and we believe it's a great opportunity that will allow him a good deal of professional growth and challenge. I could not be any happier for him!
  • My daughters Annemarie and Kate are now ten and will be starting middle school this fall. I have no doubt that they will continue to do well academically. I'm really stoked about where things are going with their musical endeavors and their band Speed Limit 180. They're starting to get some local recognition and they're just having fun with it all. I'm so proud of my Guitar Girl Annie and my Keyboard Kate!
  • My son Chris, now at 8 years old, has been improving in his reading and now the bookworm light bulb has gone off and he wants to read just about everything in sight. It's surprising to me some of the words he already knows. He's also already told me which baseball camps he wants to attend this year, and as much as I don't like this, he wants to play football this year. The mom in me is afraid he'll get hurt, but I know he really likes the game and would love playing.
  • As for me, I'm looking forward to some new beginnings in my photography. My new year's resolutions? Quite simply ... grow professionally as a photographer. I want to continue to hone my craft, meet and network more with others in the industry, and to redesign a room in my home into a photography studio. It took me a while to finally take the plunge and start my business this year. It wasn't an easy step for me, feeling torn, like I should be totally there for my kids as a dedicated stay at home mom. But as they are getting older and more independent, I finally felt like it was time to do something I really loved for myself. With the help and support of my family and my photography mentors, I now feel very excited about what lies ahead.
In saying goodbye to 2009 and at the stroke of midnight, you always hear that song "should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?" My answer to that question would be no, I don't want to forget, but I'm ready for the changes in our lives and look forward to it with much anticipation. Happy New Year everyone!

"A brand new year will begin. Let's raise our hopes, in a confident toast, to the promise it ushers in." -- unknown

We spent New Year's Eve in Fort Worth in Historic Downtown area. This picture was taken in The Stockyards, by my sister-in-law Kathleen Swain. When I saw it, it made me think of us saying goodbye to 2009, and looking ahead to the new year.

No flash was allowed in this club, so this picture turned out grainy (I really need that high ISO Canon 7D!!! -- ha! ha!), but I like how the colors turned out. Happy 2010!