January 03, 2010

A Special Birthday Wish

Maybe this is somewhat childish of me, but I believe that birthdays are meant to be celebrated. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about getting older as much as the next girl. In fact, when it's my birthday next month, I'll be the first one to say "yeah, I'm celebrating my sixteenth annual 29th birthday today." But I think that all birthdays are special ... it's a day just for you, hopefully filled with favorite foods, well wishes from your family and friends, and the things you love to do -- the things that make you unique -- and happy.

Today is the birthday of a special man in my life ... my dad! He's retired and in his 70's now, but stays young by traveling with my stepmom, enjoying his four kids and their families (including seven grandkids), visiting family and friends, and staying active at the YMCA and his bowling leagues. He may be a year older, but he's definitely still young at heart, and I love that about him.

Even though I'm told often that I look a lot like my mother, I am -- and always have been -- my father's daughter in many ways. My mom used to always say that my independent tendencies came from him, and that my laugh is just like my dad's sister (and given how much I love and respect my Aunt Stella, I consider this a compliment!). As I've mentioned in earlier posts, music has always been more important to me than tv .... again, this from him. And my love for baseball? Even though I'm the only girl and have never played it competitively, somehow his love of the game rubbed off on me too.

Dad -- here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday, from your favorite daughter! ha! ha! Have fun today! Bowl on, eat the rest of the holiday tamales, watch Jeopardy ... you know, all those favorite things you like to do! And know that I love you!

With love from your little girl,

"Celebrate today. It is important to honor our beginnings. It is important to remember that we matter and that we have a place in this world that no one else has." -- (a quote from a Hallmark card)

Me and my dad in the house in which I grew up in Houston -- Spring 1965.

Me and my dad at a family reunion this past summer in Cedar Park, TX. Photo taken by my cousin Edwin Palos -- July 4, 2009.