February 04, 2010

A Little More Birthday Fun

This past weekend, we celebrated my guys' birthdays. Jon's was just last Friday, but Christopher's was over a month ago. Because his day falls around the holidays, we usually have his celebration either way before or way after December 8, so that more of his friends can be there with him and his birthday is not lost around Christmas. Of course, we have a private family celebration on his actual birthday. He's such a good sport when it comes to his 'not quite' birthday parties ... I know it's a lot for a kid to wait for his special celebration!

On some special occasions (and sometimes just for fun), we go to Dave & Buster's to eat, and to play games. The kids absolutely love it! Since it was Jon's birthday too, we headed out for a bite and to get our game faces on! The kids like ski ball and most of the racing games. Jon and I sometimes take each other on in the car or motorcycle races. I like the shoot 'em up zombie killing games myself, but unfortunately, I'm kind of alone on that one. :(

Here are pics of Jon's and Christopher's birthday celebrations. Have a wonderful weekend!

-- S

Chris likes the racing games. Annemarie seems to make friends wherever she goes. Here she is with one of the D&B waiters. Gotta watch this girl ....

And of course, my little rocker chicks couldn't go by this and not partake, right? They rocked on Guitar Hero to ... what else? .... ooooo, Barracuda! Kate's signature song! She was singing too. The girl just can't help herself!

Christopher has always wanted a swim party, but being a December kid, that just doesn't work out. But then we thought about an indoor pool party at the YMCA, and he was all about that.

Kate, Sarah and Annemarie did a couple of races in the big pool, but mostly my girls were catching up with their "triplet sis", as they call her.
My birthday boy and his awesome cookie cake. They declared it, officially ... the bomb! It was so good!