March 03, 2010

Baseball Boy

My little man has been around baseball all his life. Since he was born in December, Chris was just months old when Opening Day came along, and of course, Jon promptly took our only son to the games with him. To, you know, indoctrinate him early ... ha! ha! We love the game, that's true. And we always hoped that all of our kids would at least have a strong appreciation for America's favorite past time. So when Christopher decided on his own that he wanted to sign up for t-ball, we were thrilled!

He's been playing ball for a few years. He struggled with it a bit at first, but we've watched his skills develop, and now he seems to have fallen into his groove. He likes being the catcher and in the outfield. Last night was his first scrimmage game of the season (he called it a "spinach" game -- how cute is that?), in which he got on base every time at bat AND hit a triple!! Way to go, dude!

Here are some pics from last night's game, and a few not to be forgotten photos of my little guy's baseball indoctrination time in his life (smile).

So, can you guess where I'll probably be tonight? Yep, at the ballpark ... it's time for living la vida baseball again!

Have a great day! -- S

Christopher's triple hit!!

At bat the second time.

There is a girl on the team this season. We remember her from last time ... she's really good. Love her bat .... official baseball freak!

My baby boy was only about four months old in this picture. Jon took him to many games like this ... in his jammies because we knew he wouldn't stay awake for an entire game, and a baseball hat. So cute! -- April2002

At the Dell Diamond -- 5.27.2003

We were at the Dell Diamond watching an Express game. When I saw this picture I immediately thought of him possibly thinking "I see baseball in my future!" -- April2004