March 01, 2010

Germs & Gents

Whew! It's Monday, and another crazy week behind us! It snowed (as in winter wonderland'ish kind of stuff), and my kids were sick just about the whole time. I love my kids, but I ... ummmm ... really appreciate them being in school all day. Just kind of need that mommy break, you know? But, as in Olympic fashion, they tag teamed being home from school this week. Just when one would get better and go back (and raise my hopes of having a normal school day) s/he handed off that germy baton to another kiddo who inevitably bit the flu bug dust and ended up at home sick ... AGAIN! Not. Fun.

So while the week didn't turn out so great, my weekend was better. I made a quick trip to Houston on a photography related venture, which turned out to be very cool. My favorite part of the weekend? Well, even though my Center for Disease kids were sick all week, they eventually got better and I missed my little guys, sniffles and all. Seeing them when I got back was the best part of the weekend, for sure! But another added bonus was spending some time with my nephews Matthew and Nicholas. Besides my own kids, I simply adore these boys! I so wish I could see them more. They make me laugh, and their sweet gentle souls just warm my heart.

Here are a few snow days pics, and a few fun pics of me and two of my favorite boys! Have a great Monday! -- S

The view from my backyard on our big snow day (per Texas standards, anyway!).

The view from our front porch (a favorite spot at our house)!

Me with my brother's boys. A little family resemblance there, don't you think?

My nephews Nicholas and Matthew, and me. Photos courtesy of my sis-in-law Mary Hernandez.