March 10, 2010

Scenes from the Ballpark

For someone who has not actually, officially, played softball (or baseball, for that matter), I've always spent a lot of time around ballparks. When my brother David was little, we often went to his little league games. I remember my father taught me how to catch a ball at a local park (a very fond memory for me). When I was in high school, I was a 'Diamond Doll' for the varsity baseball team. And when Jon and I were dating, we watched a lot of baseball movies and would head out to a ballpark to throw a ball around, and we used to watch a friend of ours play the game (yes, you Dom!). Now, with Chris playing ball, it seems like we're always there, and yeah ... it feels like home :).

Here are pictures from Christopher's recent games. His team is doing well, having won their first two games so far. We're looking forward to a good season!

Have a great weekend! -- S

"Baseball has been 'berry, berry' good to me!" -- Garrett Morris, Saturday Night Live

So far this season, Chris has gotten on base every time at bat! Good job, little man!

I think the funny thing about this picture is this: notice how it's the GIRL on the team that's 'baseball ready', and the guy behind her is, uhhhhh ... not so much? Mmmm hmmmm!

This guy was on Christopher's team last season, and so far this time, I've been able to get some great pictures from his turns at bat. Love this one!

Chris loves being the catcher!

A scene from the ballpark, just before the game. If you look closely to the left under the tree, you can even see the little bugs hovering around in the sunlight. :)