March 12, 2010

Spring Fever Fotos

Well, it's that time of year again and I think it has officially arrived at my house ... yep, that 'ole Spring Fever is back! Yesterday, it was just WAY too pretty to be indoors, and I saw a facebook post from a friend who said she was headed out to The Domain (thank you Tricia!). I decided that reading my photography book over a cinnamon latte while outside sounded like a great idea! I packed up my camera too and headed out as fast as I could.

In anticipation of spring break next week, my kids have had spring fever for a little while now. But yesterday while at The Domain, I saw all kinds of signs that the new season is upon us -- beautiful weather, people lunching outside, spring sale signs up, lots of cheery colors -- and then the fever hit me too! While I was sitting in the shade, there was still a little chill in the air. The outdoor fireplace was going, and I was even lucky enough to nab a rocking chair next to the fire for some quiet reading time. Sooo nice!

Speaking of nice, I have to give a shout out to the wonderful young lady and her gorgeous daughter I met. We got to chatting about photography and since then she has visited my website, sent me a lovely email and had some really kind words to say. Thank you, Michelle ... as I said earlier, you've brightened my day!

Here are some pics from my spring feverish afternoon! Enjoy! -- S

"Is it so small a thing, To have enjoy'd the sun, To have lived light in the spring, To have loved, to have thought, to have done..." - Matthew Arnold

My kids love the little barista bears from Starbucks, no matter what season it is. These Valentine bears were on clearance too! Had to get this cute pic ... oh, and my cinnamon latte too!

My VERY COOL reading spot, in front of the outdoor fireplace, for the afternoon!

Spring 2010 ... now officially at the Brogdon house too! :)