March 28, 2010

Speed Limit 180: Another Musical Night

Once again, I had the pleasure of shooting photos of my daughters and their bandmates in their amazing rock band, Speed Limit 180! Last night, these young musicians performed again at Junior's in Round Rock. They've been working really hard, practicing and adding some new songs to their playlist, to include songs from Santana and Stevie Ray Vaughn. It is amazing to see how talented they all are!

Here are some of the photos from their performance! Keep rocking, guys! -- S

Camila & Mason -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Nick playing his trumpet during "Smooth" -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Mason & Annie -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Taylor, our own Mad Hatter -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Camila, Mason, Annie & Nick -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Kate, in her piano slide during "Kansas City" -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Taylor and Marley -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Taylor, Annie & Nick -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Annie -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Nick -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Annie, Jon and Nick, rocking out during "Will It Go Round In Circles" -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Love this picture of Marley, our awesome bassist -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Junior's painted the band's name on the glass outside their door. Here are my girls, just after their performance. Annie & Kate -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010
Kate -- Junior's -- 3.27.2010