April 06, 2010

The Girl She's Meant To Be

I have written before that I come from a musical family. Many of my relatives play, or have played, instruments of some kind and are/were active in musical performances. But I think that my daughter Kate is probably the one member of the family who, literally, was BORN into music. As a baby, she was often quieted to sleep only by the sound of my humming to her, or sometimes the songs on CD that I listened to while I was expecting her and Annie. As a toddler, she learned best by singing nursery rhymes and Sesame Street songs. Many of the toys she favored in her early years revolved around musical instruments. She hummed or sang in the car everywhere we went (and still does that today without even consciously knowing it!). When she started preschool at our church, people would turn to look for the big voice singing the hymns, only to turn around and look down to find a little girl belting 'em out. It was clear to us how much she loved her music, and it became increasingly evident that this was a gift that could not be ignored.

When she turned six, she and Annie started piano lessons. When she was seven, Kate also started voice lessons, but didn't really want to do it at first. "Let's just try it out", I told her. She was apprehensive and shy, but came to like it after a while. The very first song she sang was a Broadway tune called "The Girl I Mean To Be" from The Secret Garden. Hearing her sing it then would always bring me to tears with a mother's pride. But unfortunately, I was never able to get it on video, and I always regretted that.

Now, five years later, she rocks a keyboard, plays the drums, and is a featured vocalist with the two bands she's in, Speed Limit 180 and Chaotic Eight. We have videos of her singing in many different performances, and even have her feature song, Heart's Barracuda, with Speed Limit 180 on YouTube. The music academy with which she studies is hosting a recital at the end of May, and she will be performing with her two bands there. But she's also planning on a student solo performance, with ... guess which song she's considering?? ... yes, "The Girl I Mean To Be". Finally, she let me get a video of her singing it, and I could not be more thrilled that she still holds that song in a special place in her heart.

So, here are a few pics of my very musical, very talented daughter, along with a video link of her practicing her special song. Seeing her now, it's so hard to believe that there was a time that she was shy about singing in public. I'm so glad that she is sharing her amazing gift, and I am so incredibly proud.

Kate ... I love you, dear one. And yes, this is the girl you're meant to be!

Love, Mom

Kate -- The Girl I Mean To Be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOifb5L3fN4

Kate with Speed Limit 180 -- Barracuda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V8lzMtBELQ

Kate at a Speed Limit 180 performance -- Oct2009

At home at our piano -- Feb2008

Kate at two and half years old, at her grandparents' house -- Dec2001

Sometimes when I think of Kate singing, this picture comes to mind. This was taken at Jon's parents' home. We were relaxing for the evening, watching TV, when I looked up and saw this. Had to hold back my laughter long enough to grab the camera. This is a family favorite! -- April 2001