April 10, 2010

Brogdons in Bluebonnets

About this time every year, here in the Hill Country, we get the most beautiful bluebonnets. This year is no different -- they're everywhere, and they're gorgeous! The kids and I found a beautiful patch of bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes at a local park and headed out one day after school. Beautiful weather, my kids and my camera ... it couldn't get much better than that.

After going through these photos, I started thinking about our bluebonnet pictures from the past. I thought this time I'd put together a little slideshow with all their photos, going back to when the girls were just babies. This little show goes back to 2000, when Annie and Kate were almost a year old. Now, before any of you comment on the flower picking pictures ... yes, I'm aware ... that's not legal in Texas. Kind of hard to snap pics, watch a little boy and stop two 3 year olds from getting into stuff, you know?? But it sure made for nice photos, though (smile).

Hope you enjoy the show! Oh, and this is set to music, so if you're at work, you may want to turn down the volume, so your boss doesn't know you're hardly working. Just sayin' ... -- S

"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom." -- Audra Foveo