May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Annie & Kate!

Eleven years ago today, my beautiful daughters came into the world. I can't believe it's been that long, but yet it seems like forever ago that they were just these little babies that came home in matching pink preemie outfits. My baby girls ... I miss them sometimes. But what I really love, is who they've become.

Now that we're at a preteen stage, there's a definite change in them. Their interests have switched from little girl stuff to things more typical of teenagers. Gone are the days of Littlest Pet Shop toys, endless Disney shows, and pink and purple everything. We've moved on to Twilight, a mix of popular and classic rock songs on the radio, their musical studies, cooler clothes, and (eeek!!) friends that are boys. They're starting to want more freedom and independence. I know they're at that age in which they're ready to branch out a bit, but still need Jon and I to help them guide their ways. I can see that while they're still just little girls, they are growing and maturing into the wonderfully special young ladies I know they will be.

And you know what? Yeah, I miss my baby girls sometimes ... but I love who they are now, and I wouldn't change a thing!

Birthdays are supposed to come along with wishes. Well, I have one too, for both Annie and Kate. I read this quote once and made note of it, and thought that it so eloquently says what every parent wants for their kids. Happy Birthday, my sweeties! I love you more than words can ever say! -- Mom


... that you
are always as kind as you are now,
that your life is always full of the people you love,
that your dreams are realized to their full potential,
that your heart finds its way to your soul mate,
that your eyes see all the things you wish to see,
that your feet lead you down the right roads,
that your hands make the world a better place,
that your arms embrace all the world has to offer,
that your mind always continues learning,
and your eyes always see just how much I love you.

-- April Herrell

Annie & Kate, at about eight months old.

Kate & Annie, just over a year old. June 2000

Kate & Annie, this past October.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the girls! Such sisterly love ... :)