May 19, 2010

♫ My Girl, My Girl ... Talking About My Girl ♫

Today, a friend mentioned to me how much my daughter Annemarie looks like me. Over the years, I've heard this many, many times. Since I see her everyday, I don't always see it. But I know they're there, our similarities. One look at pictures from my past and there's no way to deny it -- she's mine alright!

When Jon and I discovered we were having twin daughters, we decided to name each of them after our respective sides of our families. Annemarie is named after my side ... Anne for my mom JoAnn (and Ann is my middle name too), and Marie after my grandmother Maria. Out of our three kids, she's the only one that looks like me at all. But since I'm with her everyday, I don't always see the resemblance. I just see the bohemian beauty with a personality all her own. Strong musician (not like me), near photographic memory (okay, I have a good memory but NOWHERE near like hers), and sometimes tomboyish (so not me!). But she has my artistic tendencies -- she likes crafts, music, books, pictures, doodling, writing -- and it's like, WOW! She's my clone girl!

Anyway, take a look at the pics -- I think you'll get the idea. :) -- S

(On left) This was me at four years old, all dressed up for the Kitterick Show in Houston (anybody remember that?). (On right), Annie also at four years old, dressed up for ... well, no reason really ... just playing dress up!

Annie and I on our front porch, earlier this year.

Annie has discovered a new love! And I couldn't be more thrilled. And if there's any question left as to whether she's mine ... well ... take a look at these photos. I rest my case! :)