June 10, 2010

Graduation & Bold Beginnings

This past weekend, my oldest nephew, Matthew, graduated from high school in Houston. The kids and I drove in to see him at his ceremony. On the way in, I started thinking a lot about when he was born, being the first grandchild, and really, the first baby born into our family in a long time. I know it may sound very cliche' to say the typical things like I can't believe he's 18 already and that he'll be off to college soon. But it's true! I so vividly remember being there when he was born, and crying the first time I held him. I also have the honor of being able to say that I took his very first picture ... and that's something of which I'm pretty proud.

Matthew has grown into a very special young man. I know that he will do well in whatever endeavor he sets out for himself. He's well spoken, polite, and has a good head on his shoulders. These are some of the qualities in him I find so endearing. But more than anything, I think of the fact that he makes me laugh. And sometimes when I'm laughing with him, it reminds me of times when I was a kid, laughing with his dad, my brother David. And Matthew -- that's something I hope makes you proud. :)

So, congratulations dude!! I hope you have an awesome summer! Just remember Austin is not that far away and that you're welcome to come hang with us anytime. I sometimes end my blog posts with a quote. In the spirit of our laughs together, I thought I'd leave you with the wise words of Paul Freund: "At commencement you wear your square-shaped mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros."

Love you lots,
Aunt S

(Left) Matthew was very active in school, participating in track, band and sports medicine. He was also active in Boy Scouts and earned an Eagle Scout award. As an active student, he knew the school principal quite well, so I was very happy to get this shot as he walked across the stage. I was only allowed to take in a little point and shoot camera, but I thought this came out well considering. (Right) Matthew after the ceremony, with diploma in hand.

Check out my gorgeous nephews! (Left) Nicholas, who is a football player and a great swimmer. This shot was taken just after the ceremony, on his way to a swim meet. I think I actually saw a gill pop just after this photo ... and our flying fish was off! (He placed first, by the way!!) (Right) Matthew, with his smile just after seeing me for the first time that day. I got a big hug after this moment!

Cousins. It's so hard to believe Matthew has already graduated. And my niece Melissa too. Two down, several more to go, and now a new niece or nephew on the way! Yes, I'm going to be an aunt again ... such exciting news for our family! :)