July 07, 2010

A Doggy Dilemma

So, we have a bit of a problem in our house right now. My kids want a dog. Bad. This has been for some time now, and they periodically bring it up, asking -- no, pleading -- "Mom/Dad, can we get a puppy?" For a long time, we have said no because Annie's allergic to dogs, we were moving, "you're too young and won't help take care of it", "we're never home", whatever. Annie even added words to Amy Winehouse's Rehab song: "I asked my mom for a puppy, and she said, NO, NO, NO!" Nice, huh?

Don't misunderstand ... I love animals, and I always had pets, both dogs and cats, growing up. Prince, Hans, Missy, Prissy, Bandit, Forrest, Jenny, and most of all, Kristle, all brought a lot of companionship and love to my life. Not to mention the animal entourage my cousin had when we lived in our grandparents' home -- I was fond of all her pets too. But these last several years, we've not had any four legged friends at home, and with the kids finally a little older, it's been, well ... kind of liberating.

Annie's allergies to dogs seem to be okay with certain breeds, and we think we've found one that is manageable for her and that we all like. Soooo, we're weighing the pros and cons. Here's how I see it:


1. A cute, tiny little FIFI type dog to love, cuddle, take with me places, and dress up -- yeah, that would be fun.
2. We spend more time at home now, so more time with the dog = a win-win for all.
3. Since we travel a lot to Houston, a FIFI size dog would be easy to bring along (as opposed to the last dogs we had, two gigantic golden retrievers. Together they were like handling Clifford the Big Red Dog. So NOT fun).
4. Kids really would like a pet, and might learn some responsibility in caring for it (but I'm not holding out too much hope for that -- see CONS section).
5. Experiencing the endless and unconditional love you get from a family pet -- I know firsthand -- priceless!


1. FIFI dog would, no doubt, crap in the house. Dog poo is not my idea of a good time.
2. FIFI could possibly be a chewer, and with lots of musical equipment around, guitar fretboards might look kinda tasty.
3. Kids renege on their promise to help care for FIFI (and with them heading into teenage years, how likely is that?? Mmmmhmmm) and dog becomes totally mine to care for. So, another 'baby' now? Not sure I want to go THERE.

Am I missing anything? Here are some pictures of my relatives' pup, Pinnie. She is a Maltipoo. Yes, she is ADORABLE, and yes, I could see myself falling in puppy love. This is the kind of dog we would like to get, should we decide to accept this mission. ha! ha! I know this is a personal decision, but what do you think? Please help and send your comments... my kids are driving me crazy with this doggy dilemma!

Indecisively yours,
-- S