August 18, 2010

Little Miss Lily

There she was. So cute, so tiny. Sweet baby Lily, just under a month old. Last week, I had the privilege of taking pictures of her with her family. Her mother and I spoke many months beforehand to make these arrangements. Needless to say, I was looking forward to meeting this little lady and taking her pics!

Besides her mom and dad, Lily's family also include members of the canine persuasion. Yes, two rather large dogs that we really wanted to try to include in a family photo. Her mom, Elizabeth, said "I know they may not be cooperative, and it might be hard, but I'd like to give it a try." After a few minutes with these dogs and letting them get their wiggles out, so to speak, I thought they might chill a little and let me get a few shots in. YES!! The stars aligned ... and voila! ... Lily, Mom, Dad, big dog, and even bigger dog all in the picture!

Elizabeth and Patrick -- thank you so much for allowing me to document Lily and all her preciousness! She reminds me so much of each of my own daughters ... one in her looks, the other in her personality. It is easy to see that she will bring so much joy to your lives, and that she is indeed a lucky little girl to have such loving parents. I hope to be able to photograph her again very soon!

All the best! -- S

Had to get a shot of this ... a special bracelet made especially for Lily from a relative.

In the strength of Daddy's arms ...

... and in the warmth of Mommy's love.

A family shot ... Elizabeth, Patrick, Lily AND the dogs. Okay, the last two weren't exactly looking at the camera, but it still counts, right? :)