August 10, 2010

Ten Things About Velcro Boy

Most of you have probably heard by now ... I call my son The Velcro Boy. Why? The name really kind of speaks for itself. He's almost always, RIGHT THERE. Behind me. Next to me. Somewhere nearby, lurking about. Sure, he likes to go to school and play with his friends, play football. All that stuff. But he's pretty much a mama's boy. And I admit, there are times I like it that way. :)

My little dude can say and do the funniest things sometimes. Here are ten little factoids about him that you may or may not already know.

1) Although he prefers his nickname Chris to all others, he will answer to just about any of the several names he's called. Topher, Buddy, Dude, Homeboy (that's the one Jon calls him) ... it really doesn't matter. He'll respond to them all pretty equally. Just don't call him Bam Bam ... he doesn't like that one ... and he's getting big enough to knock you around a little bit. I promise it would hurt too.

2) He tells all his stories the LONG way. When he starts with "do you remember when ... ", sit back and take a chair. You're gonna be there a while.

3) He's really a creature of habit. Gets the same meals in the same restaurants, and generally does the same things on a routine basis. We're working on learning the whole variety is the spice of life thing.

4) Chris loves riding his bike. Just don't ask him to park it in the garage. The yard or even just in front of the garage ... yeah, to him, that's way better.

5) He can play the piano a little, and can sight read music well. But air guitar?? That's his weapon of choice in the car. (There ARE air guitar contests ... hmmmmm).

6) Speaking of music, have I told you how he loves to sing? The words, though? Those are just irrelevant details that distract from his listening pleasure.

7) Dude loves his peanut butter. I mean, seriously .... spoons it right out the jar. Just like his dad. Those two ... geez!

8) Chris likes all colors, but prefers the color blue, especially in his clothes. Once we told him that color made his eyes POP, that's what he likes to wear. Dress to impress, that's his motto!

9) Speaking of eyes, my Buddy Blue Eyes (another nickname) has the longest eyelashes. Check out the photos below and you'll see what I mean. Just love them!

10) As big and rough as my little guy may look, he really is a sweetie with a good heart. :)

So these are a few randoms about my little man. Third grade this fall, and a crazy football schedule coming our way. That's okay. He's my sweet boy and he's happy.

And I wouldn't have him any other way.

Have a good Wednesday! -- S