August 07, 2010

Guest Blog From the Dog -- Meet Sasha Brogdon!

Well, I'm finally here! After a long awaited time, I have arrived at my new home. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Sasha Rose Brogdon. I am a six and a half week old Maltipoo. What is a Maltipoo, you ask? That is a fancy term for a mix of Maltese and poodle. In other words, I'm a designer dog, bred to have to the personality of a Maltese and the non-shedding hair of a poodle. I am way cute, fluffy, very snuggly and really playful!

I was born on June 23 in League City, TX. I am cream colored with a little bit of red markings beneath my eyes. My owners decided to name me Sasha, after the mascot at their alma mater, the University of Houston. Rose, my middle name, is a nod to the color red, a UH color. At the moment, I weigh .... are you ready for this? wait for it ... a whopping 1.86 pounds. Yeah, I'm pretty teeny tiny right now. I should get to be about 10 to 12 pounds when I'm fully grown.

My owners' relatives have my sister (from another litter), Pinnie, who you've seen pics of here on the blog. (Isn't my big sis super cute??) Today, I was brought to my owners, so that they could finally take me home with them. It's going to take some getting used to with three kids who make a lot of noise and want to pick me up all the time, a kind of tall guy with looks like Mr. Clean, and this lady who points this black thing at me that says 'Canon' in front of it and it goes 'snap' a lot. Sheesh! Enough already!

So it seems that my family is into music, photography and computers. I've only been home a little while, but I've already checked a few things out here. Check out my pics ... you'll see I've already made myself at home.

Here I am on the piano .... ♫ "and they called it, puppy love ... ♫

Here I am on the drums ... ♫ "you ain't nothing but a hound dog ..." ♫

And here I am writing this blog post ... so hard to type without opposable thumbs, ya know?

Anyway, here are a few other pics my owner and that Canon thing attached to her face took of me. I guess as 'puparazzi' as she seems to be I better get used to that, right?

Can't wait to meet everyone! Until then ...

Peace & Paws Out!! -- Sasha

Me and the puparazzi lady.

These guys already got lots of toys for me. Sweeet!

Me with one of those girls that won't put me down or let me sleep. That's okay ... we have F-U-N at playtime!

Me and the other girl who won't leave me alone. From what I hear, this one bugged the puparazzi lady for three years to get a puppy like me. I LIKE HER!!

Me, looking AH-DORABLE!

I'm loving this new home and family so far, but all this excitement made me SLEEEEPPY! Nighty night, folks!