September 14, 2010

Ghost Town Hootenanny Photo Faves

I absolutely love photography. Uh, yeah ... like there's ever been any doubt or question about that. :) But there are some things I love shooting more than others. Ranking right up there in the "I love to shoot ____ " category is MUSICIANS! (But of course, with my daughters in two bands, again, no surprise there, right)?

This past weekend, I attended a charity event in a ghost town in Manor, TX. It was called a Ghost Town Hootenanny. There were several bands performing, and photographers were welcome to come and shoot. I met several new photog friends and took a whole lotta pictures! But these featured below, were some of my favorites. There are still pics from two more bands that I haven't even gotten to yet, but these I just had to share ...

Have a great Wednesday! -- S

This is one of the most eclectic, most interesting guitars I've ever seen. I knew Annie would absolutely love it!

Liked the sun setting in the background in this shot.

I really liked the lighting on his face and on the upright bass.

Thanks so much to Steve, another photographer I met there who let me borrow his Pocket Wizard flash for these two shots. I really love the way these turned out!

I really love the emotion in this bass player's face here.

These shots were taken at night, and the stage was lit up in RED lights. I didn't want to use my flash so not to disrupt the performers. For my photog friends out there, ISO was about as high as it could go, white balance as low as it could go to offset the red, and aperture/shutter speed were low too. Translation for everyone else ... let's just say I was pushing every limit on my camera to get these to work. :)

Love the fun expression on her face here ...

... and the pensive expression on the violinist here.

But these two pics are probably my absolute favorites. This bass player was so expressive, so interesting to watch, and so great to photograph! I took several of him for these reasons, but these two stood out to me because you can really see his love of his music.