September 08, 2010

Blame It On The Rain

I usually don't really enjoy rain. Especially not like it's been here in Austin yesterday and so far today. Besides everything being so wet, icky and dreary, it can just be downright depressing. But yesterday, for some reason I didn't seem to mind that much.

Jon has often told me about how when he was little he used to like to sit under his grandmother's covered porch, read, and watch the rain. That's still something he likes to do today, whether on our porch or from a favorite coffee shop of ours. It's kind of inspiring to watch him tell the story, and become so reflective and nostalgic about it. Rainy weather sometimes reminds me of that, and can inspire me to do something creative. Besides photography, another creative outlet for me is ... (drum roll, please) ... cooking! (Boy, I bet my mom NEVER thought I'd ever say that).

All day long, I was looking forward to getting home after picking up the kids from school, and getting my cook on! Spending some time in the kitchen while the kids were doing their homework and music practice was actually something I was looking forward to (go figure?)! Sure, it's a fair amount of work. I like to cook two to three dishes at a time, so even more so. And the clean up? Yeah, that takes some time too. But since we're usually so busy with music lessons or sports practices, I enjoy a night now and then when I can do something creative besides my photography. At one point in the evening, Chris said, "Mom, this is nice ... us all doing our homework together and you fixing dinner."

I totally agree. It was nice evening. And you can blame it on the rain. :)

Have a great Wednesday! -- S

Yesterday I got pretty soaked going into Christopher's school. Okay, no, that part of the day wasn't fun. This was the view from the car rider line at the girls' school a little later.

Still in the car rider line. Dreary day, but already thinking about what to cook when I got home. :)

Green beans are almost always on the list!

I use a lot of spices when I cook, but these are the ones I use most often, so they get to sit out on this pretty shelf I have on the counter.