September 20, 2010

Guest Blog From The Dog: Sasha Says -- #3

Hey! What up, peeps? It's going to be another crazy week ahead for my human mom, so she got me to guest blog again. I didn't know that was going to be part of my regular deal here, but gotta admit, it's not that bad. That's the least I can do for the pretty cushy life I've had so far with this family. I mean ... check this out.

Besides the standard food, water, shelter deal that comes with living at Chez B (I mean, yum-o, Bil-Jac puppy food, treats, and rawhide toys are just the best!), I get played with a lot by my family and all the kiddo friends that come over to the house. Just love it when they all chase me around the yard! And I think I can jam out with the girls' bands too (but I guess chewing on guitar cords wouldn't be a good thing, huh?). I hang out with my mom and dad while they work, and my mom often takes me places while she's running errands, you know, so I can keep her company. Check out my pics below to see what I mean!

So, yeah, it's a pretty cool gig I've got going on ... I can't complain. I even get face time on the blog?? Sweeeeet!

Have a great Monday! Peace and Paws Out! -- Sasha

I get to sleep ON the couch? YES!!!

The family takes me to football games. Puppy likes!!

Hanging with the boy after picking him up from school.

Love his hugs! :)

And now, even the barista lady at Starbucks likes to hang out with me! She even picked me up and took me inside to show me off to the other employees there. Nice! Wait, did you say whipped cream in a cup ... just for me?? Mmmmm.