September 21, 2010

A Walk Through Austin

Almost fourteen years ago, Jon and I moved to the Austin area. It was the weirdest thing. As a software engineer, he thought perhaps the city would be a good place for him professionally. When he approached me about the idea, I, having then lived in the Houston area all my life, immediately said no, absolutely not. Our family was there, our lives were there, and Houston would always be my home. Being from H-town himself, he understood and was fine with this. Three days later, I COMPLETELY changed my mind. In fact, I often joke that it then became my mission in life to move to Austin. I knew that by me working in human resources at that time, I could work anywhere. I didn't want to hold him back from growing professionally, and it was kind of adventure to move somewhere new together. So, it was decided ... we were moving to Austin.

Three years ago, in building our new house, there was a short time in between homes in which the kids and I lived with family in Houston while Jon worked and stayed with a friend in Austin. Although I love my hometown and always miss being there, it surprised me how much I realized I have come to love my adoptive city. Austin, even with its quirky and "keep it weird" ways, had become a place near and dear to my heart.

Last weekend, my photographer friend Michelle and I went out to the Austin Warehouse District for dinner and a photo walk -- just for fun. I always have a good time looking for new things to photograph, and during the golden hour? Awesome! Love it, and my home away from home!

These are several of my favorite pics from that day. A few more are on the website at

Have a great Tuesday! -- S

Every time I head to the warehouse district, I always, always, always, shoot the Frost Building. It's just something about it that compels me to take a picture of it, no matter the time of day. Here's one of it straight on, and one that's a reflection. Above left: I couldn't help but think of the Journey song, Wheel in the Sky, when I took this picture.

Left: I bet Sasha would love a day at the puppy spa here. haha! Right: Another Austin site I always shoot: the Lucky sign. :)

Top Left: another Frost building pic. Top Middle & Right: scenes from the Katz car. Bottom Left: a really cool water fountain, edited to really bring out the blues. Bottom Middle: this sign reminded me of Chris, who used to love Clifford the Big Red Dog cartoon when he was little.

When I take shots like this (not people, but more of art and architecture), I generally look for lines/curves/lighting and try to play on that. Lots of that going on here ...

When I took this middle picture, I saw only sunlight coming through the trees. I thought, "that's cool." Because of the glare, I didn't see this then, but later in editing, I saw that the sunlight was coming through HEART-SHAPED. How awesome is that?? Yep, I ♥ this city.