October 16, 2010

Austin Stiletto Stampede

Today I had the honor of photographing the Stiletto Stampede in Austin. For those of you unfamiliar with this event, allow me to explain. Breast cancer survivors, family members, supporters, etc., come out to compete in various 100-yard high heel dashes to raise awareness and support for the fight against breast cancer. There was pink everywhere, and it was a beautiful day for this event.

I was asked to take pictures of attendees, contributors, the races, people crossing the finish line, and generally people having a good time today. I essentially was given creative carte blanche. Hello?? How awesome is that? I was excited to be there, had fun talking to people and getting them to pose for me, and was so inspired by all the ladies that were there. I had so much creative muse going on, that when it was over, I didn't realize I hadn't eaten, or drank anything, or even stopped to pee. Too much excitement around. So when it ended and the adrenaline came down, I was finally alone with my thoughts. I packed up my camera gear, sat in the truck ...

... and cried.

I did this because I wanted to give something back. To use my talents in a productive and meaningful way. But most of all, I did this for my mom, who died almost five years ago from breast cancer. Her death was so sudden, yet what we didn't know was that she had had it for years beforehand and it went undetected. As my tears flowed, all I could think about was that her death was so preventable, and thus so senseless to me. Early detection would have saved her. That's what today was all about ... raising awareness. And if my camera and I can do something toward that end, then I've helped, and that makes me feel a little better.

So that's me on my pink soap box for today. I took sooo many pictures, but these are some that I think you might enjoy. :)

-- S

This is a truck donated by a local car dealership owned by the former mayor of Round Rock. What a huge contribution!

This young lady volunteered her time to help with flowers for the race winners.

This necklace on a contestant was just so perfect!

This must have been this girl's lucky pair of stilettos. She won one of the races in these!

This dog won best costume in the Pooch Scooch category. Don't you just love the face? I mean, it's like ... "really, I gotta wear THIS?"

This baby girl is clearly a dog lover. :)


This lady was so fun and inspirational! She's a 10 year survivor, and told me that she lives everyday to celebrate life.

The winners in the first few races.

Love the crossing the finish line together!

So hard to run in high heels, you know? This lady fell just before the finish line, and there was a race volunteer right there to help her up. The spirit of sisterhood was alive and well here!

This lady had to have been one of the first true Pink Ladies. :)

One of the Stiletto Stampede's volunteers said that everything they do is "just a little bit sassy." When I saw this contestant walking by, I asked her to pose for a few pictures. She agreed, and a bit later she turned around. I remembered the sassy comment and said, "Oh, girl ... I have to get a picture of your butt." She laughed, but she worked the sassiness well. haha