October 06, 2010

SHE is Kate

To you, she may just be a normal preteen girl. Perhaps you know her from school, or through her music, or maybe you're a family friend. To me, she's so much more than that.

As my daughter, Kate is, of course, one of my dreams come true. After years of struggling with infertility, she is one of my miracle babies. From her early days, I could tell that she had her own very strong personality. She was so studious, watching every little detail in things, like she was contemplating huge, philosophical thoughts like "why is the sky blue?", even at just a few months old. I thought I was going to have a quiet, serious child on my hands. I couldn't have been more wrong. The girl LOVES to talk!! In fact, she's about as social as they come ... it's getting my chatterbox to be quiet that's more the problem.

Jon and I often say we had 'his and her' twins. In many ways, Annie is a lot like me, and Kate is a lot like him. With her analytical mind, she and Jon can certainly relate to each other, and the two of them can talk for hours on end. Yet, I see me in her too, both good and bad. She knows me well -- the things I would say, do, like -- and I cannot tell you how many times we say the same thing, or spot the same item out of a hundred things when we're together. Sometimes her sharp witted comments can be pretty sarcastic, and yes while it drives me insane, I know ... that's so me when I was her age. The preteen stage has been a bit rough on both of us. We've had some ups and downs. And I know it's also not always cool to have Mom around either. But it's in those times when she says "love you!" when leaving the car for school, or "can I schedule a cuddle appointment?" right before going to bed that I know we will be just fine.

She may be somewhat of a paradox and not always easy to understand, but I know my girl. I know every freckle on her sweet face. I know those beautiful, soulful brown eyes. I know that incredible voice and musical talent that can touch my heart and can make me cry with pride. I know how much she LOVES to read and how unbelievably crazy fast she can devour a book. I know she loves shoes and jewelry, and loves being with me in the kitchen. I know she has a wonderful smile, and that in her heart she carries the love Jon and I have for her.

Because Kate can be all of these things wrapped up into one soul, the song "She" from Elvis Costello has always reminded me of her. Since so much of how she expresses herself is through music, I thought I'd attach a YouTube link of the song so you'd see what I mean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehzD2A0e-kw&feature=related .

Kate -- I love you, dear one! ♥ Mom

"She may be the reason I survive

The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years
Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is she. " -- Elvis Costello, lyrics from "She"