December 01, 2010

Holiday Photos, With A Little Surprise.

It's been a while, and she's still full of surprises. A year ago, I met and photographed this girl and her mom for the first time. Last year, a then 10 year old Randi showed up to our photo shoot not having known about our session beforehand. Her hair was still kind of wet from getting ready in a hurry, she was on crutches from a soccer injury, and at first she was quiet and withdrawn. Then, she surprised me. After talking to her for a little while and getting her to relax, the model in her emerged, and I got some great photos! Some of my favorite portfolio pics I have are of her from that first photo session.

When I photographed Randi and Christine the second time, we added a little chaos to the mix. Randi was then in a cast from the previous soccer injury (that was a little harder to hide in photos) and we added two great big dogs to our session. Needless to say, there were a few surprises here and there when the dogs came into the picture (yes, pun intended).

So, fast forward a year, and Christine and I talked about another photo session. "Randi's still playing soccer ... uh huh, okay ... oh, and she's a drummer now too. Cool. And no crutches/casts? Okay, very cool. We can get some personality kind of shots of her showing her hobbies", I said on the phone. At the photo shoot, I get there a little early to check out lighting. I'm expecting Randi in sporty gear, or maybe jeans & a t-shirt. What happens? TOTAL GIRL shows up in an awesome dress! And Christine? She looks AMAZING in a hot dress too! Check out their photos ... I love the way these turned out!

Christine and Randi -- thank you once again for another fun photo session! I really love photographing you both! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. All the best! -- S