December 02, 2010

Waiting for Connor

We're waiting, our family. Waiting for the newest addition to the Hernandez clan. My brother Mike and his wife Meredith are expecting their first child later this month. Last week, while I was in Houston for Thanksgiving, I got a chance to capture some photos of the two of them before Connor arrives.

There is a certain beauty in expectant mothers. That glow about them that is beautiful and unique. The anticipation of a little one on the way and seeing him/her grow inside is just so incredibly special. Since I've had two sisters-in-law with the name Meredith (Jon's sister was also so named), we've always said "your Meredith" and "my Meredith." Truly, with the baby's due date just around the corner and so full of excitement, my Meredith is absolutely RADIANT. Take a look at these pictures, and you'll see what I mean.

Mike and Meredith -- I cannot tell you how excited I am for you both, and I can't wait to meet my new nephew! Thank you for letting me capture these images during this wonderful time for you. Oh, and you might want to get ready for a little Christmas spoiling ... just saying. haha

With lots of love to you and Connor,
-- S