January 31, 2011

Baseball Spring Training -- The Brogdon Way

Earlier today, Jon sent me a text message to let me know that he registered Chris for another season of baseball.  Both Christopher's and my reaction were the same:  YES!! This phenomenon happens in our family every year.  After the holidays are over, we start getting a little antsy for spring, and for baseball season in particular.  Jon starts preparing in his traditional way -- he starts watching all the baseball movies we have.  I guess it's kind of like his own form of spring training!  In no particular order (except for the first one), we start watching The Natural, The Rookie, Major League, A League of Their Own (my fave), Field of Dreams, and several others that are too numerous to mention.  It's a great tradition that I'm glad my kids are carrying on now.  

I don't know exactly how my love for the game developed.  So many memories throughout my life involve baseball in some way, shape or form.  You'd think I'd be this fantastic softball player myself, but, ummmm ... no, that's definitely not the case.  Let's just say I'm so much better as a fan!

Chris will be finishing up his basketball season in a few weeks, and he had the option of playing football this spring as well.  But he himself said that it wouldn't feel right to him that it would be spring time and not play baseball.  Needless to say, Jon and I are pretty proud of his choice!  :)

We have a way to go still before the season starts, but appropriately enough, I saw this recently and it made me a little nostalgic for our nation's past time.  Well, it was either that or the fifth time we've seen A League of Their Own this week ... I can't decide which.  

Happy Monday!  -- S

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."  -- Rogers Hornsby