January 17, 2011

A Plea For Help

Written on Saturday, January 15, late at night. Please forgive the long post, but it's important.

My family received some bad news today. We were out at dinner when I heard. We were anticipating results, but I did not expect to hear THIS. It was all I could do to keep my composure in front of my child and not excuse myself from the table to go to the ladies' room in tears. All I could think was "no, not again!"

Two years ago, my cousin Christina was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). She went through a year long ordeal of chemo treatments, doctors, hospitals, tests -- everything you can imagine. For almost a year, she's been doing okay after finishing chemo ... until now.

The news we received today is that the last residual cancer cells in her body are not only present, but have multiplied. This means, quite simply, that she is relapsing. The cancer is back, and the treatments this time will be even more intense than before.

Without question, Chrissy will now NEED a bone marrow transplant. Immediate family members are usually the first among whom doctors look to, and unfortunately, none of them were a match. We have a large extended family and many of us have either registered, or are being tested to register, on her behalf. I sent for my test kit as soon as I got home this evening. Donors of Hispanic descent are particularly sought after for her case.

So, here's my plea for help. But rather reading it in my words, I thought you might get a better idea expressed by Chrissy herself. I hope her words will get you to consider her request.

-- S


January 15, 2011 -- I desperately need everyone's help. Several of you are already on the national bone marrow registry. But if you are not, please, please please get tested to join. When they considered a transplant two years ago, there was no match on the registry. A family member would likely be a better match; a ten point match -- from a family member or friend or even a complete stranger -- could do the trick.

Registering for the NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) is an easy process. Here are three ways:

Look for a bone marrow drive in your area, or even organize one. We'll be arranging some of those in Houston/Katy. If you would like to organize one in your area, please contact me so we can set that up.

Visit www.bethematch.org to order a home test kit. The kits are sent to your home, you perform a saliva swab test, and send it back in. That's it!

Visit www.aadp.org. This site is part of the Be The Match/NMDP Program, and specifically targets, and offers free home registration kits to donors of all or partly ethnic minority descent. Visit www.aadp.org/pages/register.php , fill out an information form, complete the test kit sent to your home and return it. Easy!

I find it ironic that two years ago TODAY, I was diagnosed with ALL, and our lives changed. Two years later, I will start Round 2 for the fight of my life. I have so many mixed emotions about all of this. I am by no means giving up -- you have my promise on that. But I would be lying if I were to say that I'm not scared. I am scared -- I have never been so scared in my whole life. But I'm not giving up.

But PLEASE PLEASE join the registry. Get everyone you know to join it, family members, etc. Someone needs your match. I need it. Someone out there is my match and will save my life.

This isn't over by a long shot.


"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord." Jeremiah 30:17

Cancer has picked the WRONG person to mess with this time! My cousin is one of the strongest, most resilient persons I know. She has fought this battle so far with incredible determination and has done it all without losing her sense of humor and grace. I continue to be amazed by her everyday!

I took these pictures of her and her family just a few months ago. The idea was to take holiday family portraits, but I also wanted to take a couple of pics of just her ... the Leukemia Warrior ... as a memento of how far she'd come in her battle. But now that she'll be facing a Round 2, I know that with the right help and support, she will fight this again and WIN!

Chrissy and her husband Alex, and their three sons.

Chrissy and I on the day after Christmas, at our aunt's house for our Hernandez family celebration. I love my cousin! Please help us if you can.