March 07, 2011

A Catcher for The Cubs

Chris is officially back in baseball ... yay!! This time, things are a little different. It's his first season of kid pitch, which not only means the players are pitching instead of the coaches, but also changes in the rules concerning the strike zone, and now the players can steal bases. Chris is a catcher on the team, and will also play in the outfield. This past Saturday, his team, the Cubs, had their first scrimmage game, which unfortunately they lost 8-4.

I'm always a bit of a nervous mom for Chris when he plays sports, but not so much for baseball. Oh, I know it can happen, but it's not like football where he can really get hurt. I like that he's a catcher. He enjoys it a lot ... I totally get that. It's the one position I liked the most when I played softball with friends.

Here are some pics of him from his game on Saturday. Have a great Monday! -- S

"You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." -- Jim Bouton

Chris and a teammate, just before the game started.

Jon is an assistant coach this season, and is really enjoying it so far.  

Chris told me on Sunday "Mom, my knees hurt a little."  Yeah, that's what happens when you're a catcher, dude!  

Chris hit a ground ball and traveled to first base, but was called out.

Jon:  "Good try, Bud." Chris:  "Ow! Yeah, okay, Dad. Watch the head." haha

The guys running in at the end of an inning.  Chris was in the outfield.  The pitcher looked like he was saying "yo, coach, did you see me bringing that heat?" haha